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Life Beyond These Walls​


Life Beyond these Walls​​​​​​​​​​ tells several different stories of struggle and survival. The author Angela Stanton and the women she was imprisoned with; while serving time in Pulaski State Prison have broken their silence by speaking up, and speaking out. Telling their truths, and sharing horrific... but true stories on a mission to Stop The Silence, and shed light on patterns of abuse.

This is a must read! The book is very graphic, sometimes depressing and at the same time intriguing. It gives you a sense of hope after a series of negative and unpleasant experience of hopelessness and despair. It is a mystical circumstance of a truly second chance. This is a book that inspires you to be the best you can in spite of your past experience, it gives a renewed hope, faith, strength and motivation to fly like an eagle and maximize your full potential in spite of all odds. The answer to everything is the Lord Jesus Christ

INJUSTICE in our JUSTICE System: A Larvarn Watson Story


Dr. Lavarn Watson takes the truth of MLK's “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" into the heart of a social system deeply in need of enlightenment. His story is candid and compelling. It causes readers to reflect upon the injustice of the imbalance of a system that denies Black men the dignity and privilege of living as human beings; entitled to God given equal rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It also points the way to solutions and victory.  Dr. Watson is a hero, and his testimony is a tribute to faith, hope, truth, justice and unfailing love.

Lies Of A Real Housewife


Lies Of A Real Housewife, spans the years of early childhood through adulthood.  It's an illustration of guts and the determination it takes to overcome tragedies in one's life.  Her story begins at the tender age of five years old when Angela Stanton was molested.  She takes us into her survival mode on the streets and adjustments she had to make in her home life.  The author shares experiences of her teen years, growing up in Buffalo, NY.  She leads us on a short stay as a young girl in Greensboro, NC.  The author, rapper, wife and mother guides us through her struggles into her early adult years in HOT-lanta.  By fate, she lives a hustler's life of crime with none other than Real Housewives of Atlanta's own, Phaedra Parks.  By a twist of fate, her life crashes sending her on a trip to a darkened place called hell.  Urban Author, Angela Stanton, survives to give a Raw, Revolutionary account of her daring journey to redemption.  In her sophomore book, Lies Of A Real Housewife, Angela Stanton opens her past life for public viewing.

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